Immeasurable Happiness for Vampy

What's the best feeling in the world? When someone you look up to actually notices you and they adore you.

Linda Le aka Vampy Bit Me is someone whom I just recently came across (last year) and she is an amazing person and artist. She's also a cosplayer who I was lucky enough to meet. For the first time I met her I decided to do my nails based on her cosplay line up for New York Comic Con 2013.
Vampy Bit Me Cosplay Nails line up by me
We met and she loved them! She even posted it on instagram and everything. Needless to say I was extremely happy that she did and I gained some followers for that.
Stella Chu and Linda Le looking at my artwork :D during NYCC 2013
This year she was there again but I didn't know her cosplay line up so I wasn't able to do my nails corresponding to her outfit but when I did see her on Saturday she remembered me and she asked if I would do my nails to match her Sunday cosplay which was Val from Evolve. I did it and I even gave her a sample pack of my nail polish! She was amazed at the things I did and she thought I was cute and it just made me happy.
Vampy Bit Me (Linda Le) and I showing off my nails <3
What surprised me the most was what happened today. I went on my Instagram and saw this:
Vampy Bit Me on my Instagram <3
She followed me AND said I was her favorite girl <3 EEEKKK LOL I was so happy and like I couldn't contain myself. I was on cloud 9 and everything. I really look forward hopefully to any future correspondence that I have with her whether it be for nail design requests or just a simple hello.

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