Day 01 of New York Comic Con!

They start late on Thursday because it really isn't that big of a day BUT I took advantage of it by trying to get all the goodies on the day of. I'll write down my day as pit stops at different vendors/booths.

Bandai so that boyfriend could get the NYCC exclusive Power Ranger toys. He got the Limited Edition Ranger Keys set.

Cherry Sauce/Flithy Casual for clothing. Funny story was that we were talking the entire time to Jessica Nigri but I didn't realize it was her >.> (I fail.)
Boyfriend: *whispers to me* Isn't that Jessica Nigri? It looks exactly like her.
Me: No I don't think so... She's the model for Cherry Sauce. I doubt that's her.
Jessica: I am Jessica Nigri and the model for Cherry Sauce.
Me: *dumbfounded* Oh shit...
Boyfriend: I TOLD YOU!
Jessica: *laughs* It's okay, happens all the time but hello nice to meet you guys!

From then on we had friendly conversation (: She adores my hair and thought I was cute. We even got photos with her. She told us where her booth would be and we said we would try to visit her throughout the weekend.

BeeFy&Co. for more of his plushies. I picked up another Penjipoo to have as a display, a Ryupoo-Stachey and also ordered the Penjipoo scarf. We had a pleasant conversation with BeeFy and he promised to make Duckiipoo soon for us because we explained our story to him. I'm excited for that!

Brave Frontier because they had a special code to get a maxed level unit. We also got a free bag.

B-Duck to take a cute photo with the cutest Duck ever! I also got a phone charm for my phone.

I stopped by another booth that was selling B-Duck items and picked up a squeaky B-Duck toy. We ran around the whole day looking for things to pick up that we exclusive to NYCC only and got a lot of things. I ran into Stella whose a cosplayer and took a photo with her. I met her last year when she was in the booth with Vampy and asked her if she was her this year. After exchanging information we went our separate ways. I also saw Sean McGuire (Robin Hood in Once Upon A Time) as well as Manu Bennett (Slade Wilson/Deathstroke on Arrow).

I'm excited to have spent this day with very good friends of mine and we all met up and split up and met up again. For dinner we all went to Chipotle and then finally parted ways and went home. I'm exhausted but I really can't wait for the rest of the weekend!

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